Friday, April 1, 2022

Negrón response (due Wednesday, April 6, by midnight)

                                                                            Luis Negrón 

a) What is a main theme in the story, in your opinion?

b) Explain your answer using a quote from the story. Don’t forget to use a signal phrase and to supply the page number.



  1. a) In my opinion, the main theme in the story is stereotypes.

    b) The story has a peculiar narration, readers are engage with a telephone conversation from the point of view of the protagonist. The protagonist reveals that he has a stereotypical mentality. One stereotype he displays is that in Boston (or United States states in general) life will be better and all problems will be solved. He proves this when he tells Junito the reason why he is leaving the island, saying "Well, that's why I'm going man. Things are bad here..." (p. 48). Another stereotype he displays is regarding what it is to be a "real man", a sexist way of thinking. The protagonist judges his son based on his behavior, inferring that he is "a different way" - that he is part of the LGBTQ+ community. We know that is a merely deduction due to the part in the conversation where he says "It's not easy, you know, you can't know for sure, but I got a hunch..." (p. 47).

    -Angelys Rivera-Hernández

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. 1. The main theme in “Mundo Cruel” by Luis Negrón is the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community.

    2. The story “Junito” by Luis Negrón in the “Mundo Cruel” series, follows a one-sided conversation where the narrator is catching up with a man named Junito and advises him to move to the U.S. due to the oppressive treatment the LGBTQ+ community suffer in Puerto Rico. The story discusses and analyzes this topic from different perspectives, including: the bully, bullied, and spectator. Although the story seems to mostly explore the spectator side with the narrator’s relationship with his gay son, the bully perspective is referenced through reminiscing thoughts of the past and apologies/making amends. On the other hand, the bullied perspective is a bit more complex to identify. This perspective is mostly explored through the eyes of the spectator, in this case the narrator through his own reflection of what it would feel like in his “machista” society. Negrón writes: “Just the day before yesterday, some jerk there at the rotary was talking shit about you and I said to him, bro, leave him alone, he hasn’t done nothing to you, and then they started fucking with me, asking am I your husband, am I a trick, and me, man, I told them to go to hell and I went home real mad.” (page ). This quote resonates with how the spectator’s, and defender to some extent, perspective is apprehended and discussed to further on accomplish the narrator main objective: inflict fear and convince Junito to move to the U.S. where “living” seems to be unlimited.

    - Pennélope Alers

  4. The story "Junito" from the book "Mundo Cruel", written by Luis Negrón, explores themes that are part of everyday life in Puerto Rican society. Such as homophobia, stereotypes, etc. However, the theme that I consider the main one is the threat of violence that the LGBTQ+ community encounters.

    Throughout history, the LGBTQ+ community has been negatively affected and marginalized by society. One can understand these issues from a different perspective through this reading. As the author lets us know in the following quote: “Things are bad here but not that bad, you know, I mean you can get by here. But I want the kid to grow up in a real good place, so that if he really is gonna end up that way, well, he can at least be himself…. It's not easy, Junito, but he's my son and I fucking love that little jerk. I'm leaving all this, man, because if not, I'm gonna go to jail because the first motherfucker that fucks with him I'm gonna kill the bastard, I swear.” (p. 48)

    Stories like this one help us to see the problems that are currently occurring in Puerto Rico. In the 21st century, it is unfortunate that people from this community still fear being victims of this violence. Furthermore, they decide to move to a more welcoming country, as what happened in the reading. In my understanding, this story communicates a desire for change which is in our hands.

    -Amanda Quiñones 04/06/2022

  5. A. The main theme of the story “Junito” is the harassment that people from the LGBTQ+ community suffer in society.

    B. The story “Junito” tells us about a conversation between brothers about the large number of stereotypes and harassment that people who consider themselves part of the LGBTQ+ community receive. We can see this when the author says: “See, my youngest boy, well, he’s just like you. I'm telling you, ever since he was real little I'd watch him and watch him and, pam!... And by the way, it's not that the kid acts like a girl or nothing like that; it’s just that he’s different.” (p. 7, 9) In this part of the story, we can see how a father realizes that his son is homosexual, which makes him remember all the harassment and teasing his brother received for it. The protagonist, who knows firsthand everything his brother suffered, does not want his son to live in that kind of environment. This reading makes us reflect on the number of stereotypes and absurd jokes that exist today, unfortunately including Puerto Rico, where day after day they continue to fight for the equal treatment of all people regardless of their sexual preferences.

    -Emmanuel Santiago González

  6. A. Personality growth
    B. Some say that the main character was being homophobic, but I believe that he is from a generation of change. He might have been homophobic as a child but as an adult he is trying his best to be respectful. A quote that clearly highlights this idea is, “I remember, bro, when we were kids, I’d fuck with you a lot. Cause I was ignorant, man. Repeating the same shit everyone else said, but look, you ended up better than all of us and the ones that give you a hard time nowadays it’s because they’re jealous.” (Page 47) The protagonist clearly states that he was ignorant, and he even defends him calling the bullies “jealous”. To me this shows clear progress and personal growth.

    Amanda D. Mendez Rodriguez 4/06/2022

  7. a) What is a main theme in the story, in your opinion?

    The struggles of the LGBTQ+ community seems to be the main theme of the story.

    b) Explain your answer using a quote from the story. Don’t forget to use a signal phrase and to supply the page number.

    Throughout the story, the dad describes to a friend how hard providing a safe space for his kid has been. He wanted to move to Boston because his child was been bullied for behaving differently from the other kids his age. In the story, the author writes ”But I want the kid to grow up in a real good place, so that if he really is gonna end up like that, well he can at least be himself”. Most Puerto Ricans are described as hateful and judgemental. Therefore, the main character believes people in the United States will be more accepting and understanding.

  8. I believe that the main theme in the story is the reality of being homosexual in PR. This is can be seen in the fourth paragraph in page 46 when the main character says “If you saw them on the street you wouldn’t think they belong to the other team.”. In this quote you can see the harsh reality and the struggles the LGBTQ community has to go through. Living in a society where you are “accepted” if you stay in your lane or if you live in an accepted place you don’t look gay.

    - Miranda Martínez

  9. 1.What is a main theme in the story, in your opinion?
    - Struggle of the LGBTQ+
    - Identity & Stereotypes
    2.Explain your answer using a quote from the story. Don’t forget to use a signal phrase and to supply the page number.
    - The story “Mundo Cruel” by Luis Negrón is based on a one-end phone call where the protagonist (narrator). The main theme of the story is the struggle of the LGBTQ+ community. It is seen since the beginning of the story, specially at the end of page 46 where its stated: "...they look normal... You wouldn't think they belong to the other team". With this reference to the "other team"… we can assume that he meant the gay community, to which Juanito and the narrator's son are somehow connected. In other words, we can infer that both (the narrator's younger son and Juanito) are gay, and they must hide that part of themselves because of stereotypes present in their community. Afterall, it’s not uncommon for people to be judged and bullied for having distinct likings, for not fitting into an expected mold, for just being different. Reflecting on the previous mention, the narrator notices that his son is part of this community and wants a better future and option that Juanito may have had. He wants a better future, and he finds that moving as the only option of escaping. People don’t understand that being gay is not a condition, sickness, or error; it is part of how the people are and what they like. He offers the same future to Juanito, he wants him to be able to live his life and forget of what his mother, family and the town people may think. In my opinion, no other statements portray his intentions and aspirations for his son and his future, along with other members of the LGBTQ+ community than “…don’t screw yourself out of pity…you’ve got live your own life” (page 46) and “I want the kid to grow up in a real good place [so that and in which] he can at least be himself”. (page 48). The world may be harsh, but a sliver of hope and change is on the horizon. However, change is not uniform in all places, and takes time. For this reason, the narrator is trying to offer his son the chance to grow in a more open and accepting environment, as to avoid even the possibility of him ending up trapped in a lie later on in life.

    - By: Kendra Santana (04/06/2022)

  10. The main theme of the story I want to focus on is the struggles of being gay in times when being so wasn’t socially accepted.
    The story follows the one-sided conversation between the narrator and somebody called Junito. There are many things and themes they touch on, though primarily the narrator talks to him about his process of moving to Boston as well as his children. It’s when he talks about his children that the themes start to become prevalent. We can see how the narrator talks about one of his kids and particularly about the fact that he acts feminine. During this time, a man acting like this wasn’t socially accepted, and we can see in the way he talks that the narrator doesn’t feel like he should. But at the same time, deep down he knows that it doesn’t really matter what his son is like because he’ll love him regardless. This can be seen in the following quote:
    “That she should put him in Boy scouts or karate and shit like that so he realizes he’s a dude. And by the way, it’s not the kid acts like a girl or nothing like that; it’s just that he’s different.” (Pag. 48)
    Here we can see the narrator actively reject the idea that his son is feminine, and yet he insists on accepting him the way he is. Completely avoiding stating the obvious by saying ambiguously that he’s different.
    As a whole, I think the story is about how the narrator learns to forget about the social stigma and simply accept his son for who he is.


  11. a) What is a main theme in the story, in your opinion?

    The main theme of this story is homophobia. Throughout the history, it presents a man questioning not only himself, but how society treats the LGBTQ+ community.

    b) Explain your answer using a quote from the story. Don’t forget to use a signal phrase and to supply the page number.

    The main character defends Junito from some co-workers. They began to make comments about him, which he didn’t like. Then he says that “it is better to let people talk whatever they want, as long it is with respect. People have children and they don’t know the character they can have in the future.” (pg. 45)

  12. a) The main theme of this story is the struggles that the LGBTQ community has to go through.
    b) “One of those guys who cross-dresses tried to report him when he got beat up but he was the one who got screwed…the police even spit on him and all that when they took him to the police station”(page 49). Here we can see that the police treat the LGBTQ community as trash, as if they should not have existed. This inequality is something that we can see today but is not as strong as in previous years. Now people are more accepting of new things, as long as it does not harm them in any way.

    -Jekxelmaniel Martínez
