Monday, February 21, 2022

Writing response due Wednesday, February 23, by midnight


Write the second paragraph of the story you began during Week 5.


  1. "All you have to do is talk about yourself! Make it personal, make it yours, make it unique!", says my mentor as if it's so easy. You've been brainstorming the same ideas for three days now, and you still can't get the first paragraph started. Talking about yourself has never been as difficult as it is right now. The two people responsible for your letters of recommendation need that personal statement as soon as possible. Also, you still have to write the corrections your mentor sent you regarding your curriculum vitae -another thing to do. To top it off, you also have to study for tomorrow's math test; for which you haven't even finished the two exercises you were supposed to complete. You have a lot of undone material piled up. You feel your stress levels rising. You refuse to experience another anxiety attack. Your brain can't stop thinking about it, you can't concentrate on the brainstorming. You feel how it's getting harder and harder to allow oxygen reach your lungs. The individual study cubicle in the library is getting smaller and smaller. "Breathe in! Easy, easy...", your subconscious tries to tell you.

    -Angelys Rivera

  2. New day, new me – that’s what I need to tell myself so I can live with the fact that I am turning into an irresponsible human being. I’m sorry, I tend to be overdramatic sometimes but let’s be honest, if I had to choose between homework and a snail race, I’d pick the snail race. “No Netflix or Disney Plus until you finish your work, young lady.” I threaten myself as if that would work. Nonetheless, as I did before, I push through. I turn on my computer and log in to Moodle. “HUMA WORK DUE IN TWO DAYS!” written in all caps to emphasize its importance. Fine, I get it… I open the document and continue working on the layout that includes all my ideas and helpful notes that would help me complete my work. To lighten up the tension and mood while I study, I press play to my newest and hottest playlist in Spotify. Next thing I know, I am having a full-on concert with my little sister, currently performing my record debut cover of We Don’t Talk About Bruno from Encanto. Not even the power of the mighty chancleta would help me concentrate now. “You know what, I’ve done enough for today. I have read all the material and, although I have no idea how, I completed the outline with all the main ideas and points I would be discussing in my assignment. The hard work’s done; I just need to turn it into a magnificent essay worthy of a good grade, and that usually doesn’t take that long.” I close the Word document and proceed to amaze my stuffed animals with my amazing vocals while singing Let it Go from Frozen.
    Little did I know, I was in for one hell of a ride.

    -Pennélope Alers

  3. The plans changed in a matter of seconds. I lost my flight and had to get a negative result in 12 hours to board the upcoming flight. A person waiting in the adjacent gate saw the problem unfold and was kind enough to offer an antigen test he had saved for his trip. It felt as if an angel descended from heaven to provide a glimpse of hope. Quickly, I introduced the unforgiving swab in my nose and spun it around as I previously saw done to me. After undergoing the most uncomfortable but popular procedure of the century, I ran to the gate to learn that European countries only accept PCRs from the United States. I could not hold the tears any longer, hence sat in front of the main desk to cry. Such behavior lasted an hour which meant I had 10 hours left to find a solution. As any twenty-year-old would have done, I called my mom and asked what to do. She, the number one problem solver, arranged an appointment for a PCR test in a nearby laboratory. Following a trip to the lab and an awkward conversation with the Uber driver, all I had left to do was wait. My heart beat as if I had run a 5k; I felt it in my head.

    -Amanda Conde

  4. Trying to find my voice and not to conform to what my parents, teachers, counselors expected of me was tough. With this comes the fear of picking a major and later regretting the choice. I do not want to push back my expected graduation date and with that expand the financial burden of my studies. It is hard to put so much time, effort, and money into something and later finding out you do not love it. So many consequences of my decisions to consider made me anxious. Luckily for me , not so much for my brother, He also struggled with the same decision. He went through a hard time not knowing what to do and eventually changed majors. Knowing someone who went through the same things as you, helps. It takes some of the pressure off and makes you feel normal. Just when I started to feel a little better about my choices, here comes Organic Chemistry. The most challenging class I have ever taken. Even though many people warned me about the difficulties of this class it is still daunting. The struggle is making me question again if I am on the right path. The confusion never ends.

    - Miranda Martínez

  5. Every morning I tell myself with utmost confidence: "Amanda you are going to have an amazing day". I would like to think that by saying these words, my anxiety would magically disappear. Besides whom am I fooling? This never helps. I'm not sure if this feeling is caused by the college or by not knowing what the day will bring, but what I am sure of is that I didn't get the longed-for 8 hours of rest.
    Fast forward through the day, exhaustion follows me as if it were a competition. To be honest, most of the time it defeats me. Nevertheless, I keep making the same mistake that put me in this position. Like the past few nights, Meredith Grey can be heard in the distance, only this time grieving her mother's death. I look at the clock and calculate:
    "If I go to bed now, I will sleep for 4 hours, 22
    minutes, and 48 seconds."
    I promise myself that these bad habits will never happen again, but not everyone keeps their promises.

    - Amanda Quiñones 02/23/2022

  6. After hours under the sun the governor finally agreed to meet the representatives of each occupation. Corruption police officers and paramedics got what they asked for, a raise in their salary and decent retirement, but nurses didn’t. This caused a wave of anger against the governor. My mom got scared knowing this meant una huelga. If a huelga were to happen, the entire island would see a negative impact. If it were to happen my mom wouldn't be able to go to her job because her co-workers might destroy her car and other belongings, but if she doesn’t assist then her boss can fire her or deny a salary; this long day turned into the beginning of a long, and difficult month.
    -Amanda D. Méndez Rodríguez 2/23/2022

  7. It's been two weeks since the first time you went to the ER. You’ve been here 4 times already. The protocol it's the same every time. There’s so many people there, it's crazy! Your wife is there too. She looks anxious and tired but she’s been amazing through all of this. They have finally called your name after waiting on that damn chair. You wait for someone to come around and take your blood but no one's coming. Your wife stands up and looks for a nurse. You can hear some of the conversation. “Ma'am I know you've been waiting… there’s not much I can do…” “Listen, I don't care... Then who should I talk to?” She comes back shortly after with a different nurse. They finally do the procedure. At last the move to a private room where you can finally have some peace and quiet at least for a couple of hours. You get some rest and try to forget that this will all happen again in two days.
    - Ismary Negrón Fernández 2/23/2022

  8. My name was Raymond, I had a house, I was always full of food with a family that loved me until due to the cycle of life, they were taken away. Now I'm alone wandering the streets, without a roof, love and my belly won't stop making weird sounds. They are the closest thing to everything I had because they make me feel like my past family did. Every time they see me I am received with caresses, games, food, water, and love. Some call me Thunder, I imagine it must be because I run from side to side without getting tired, but they call me Felipe. What will that mean? To be honest, I don't care, what I know is that I'm happy with them. I remember how one day chasing the stupid cats I cut myself with a piece of glass and it wouldn't stop bleeding. They without thinking about it, saw me limping, carried me, took me to their house, and cleaned and bandaged me. Within a few days, I felt much better and realized that they were my new family. I am one of them, they call themselves Los Santiago, from them, I receive everything that my old family gave me and much more. The only thing that worries me right now is how I introduce my new friend, the one who has been with me for a couple of days. I just hope they like her.

    -Emmanuel Santiago

  9. “At last peace” I said to myself and there was, for a brief moment. I heard a boom from a far and i thought it was a car that had blown up but, suddenly, i get a message saying that the whole north coast of the island got bombed by a mysterious object. I ran fast to the television to see the news, while I was watching what was happening, the light and all communication went down. I went to look for my mom and sister, who were watching the news from her phone. When i found them, they already had a lamp so we decided to go outside of the house and when we got outside everyone had seen the news and were panicking. While everyone was packing there stuff and getting in their car, the mysterious object came flying and bomb most of the roads and mountains. Then, the mysterious object came back and drop a bomb in our house.

    Jekxelmaniel Martinez

  10. Saturday comes and I make sure to separate a few hours in the morning to visit the farmer’s market. The day is already sunny and a little bit too hot for my liking. But that won’t stop me; I’m forcing myself to go. On the car ride there, it starts dawning on me that I don’t really have a perfect plan for how I want my visit to go. For now, my only plan is to walk around and buy a few produce to prepare today’s dinner; I'll probably get some yuca or sweet potatoes, and definitely one or two avocados. While I do that, I plan to talk to the vendors and try to get to know their stories and jobs. After that, I really don’t know what will happen. But one thing I’m sure, I want to get to know this people’s stories.

    -Alondra Acevedo Ortiz

  11. Weeks have passed since the eventful incident, yet the memories remain rent-free inside my head. I still can't realize such a tragic event happened right in front of me. Since February 11th, I've been frightened that another shooting may transpire. In consequence of my anxiety, I've had to maintain a daily routine in order to control my thoughts and emotions. Every morning I try to perpetrate positivity and tell myself "everything's going to be fine", "the day will pass pleasantly", and so on. This fear that I've unlocked makes me overthink about my surroundings and the individuals I interact with. After my experience, I've learnt that life can go downward in a blink of an eye. Especially, while living in Puerto Rico; where massacres, murders, and shooting happen so frequently. We most love and appreciate our family and friends because we don't know what could happen to them.
    - Marisabel Cordero Méndez

  12. I notice most of my classes are in the building “El Sapo”. At first, I didn’t understand its relation until a see its front structure, it looks just like a frog or as “la IUPI” would say: “un sapo”. I start walking around and wondering if other structures had similarities, weird nicknames, or something that makes them interesting or unique. While wondering, I think to myself that I may as well take advantage of the free time I have in my hands and start looking for my following classrooms. In fact, I could even find a few places to grab a bite if I have time left. I’m trying to find my way through the campus using the “IUPI Map” app, but I still get lost. To be honest, I don’t know who was more lost, me or the app, which was functioning at the speed of a snail. I blame it on my Internet connection, since I only have one bar of signal which didn’t make sense because I have perfect signal inside the building yet out in open air, I don’t have almost anything. I continue to explore when I sense my phone vibrating. I wonder who it could be? I see the caller ID and says mom, I tell myself I better pick it up since I have a crazy latina mother that worries and insists I never answer my phone. I answer it and she start drowning me with questions: “how my morning is going, did I park the car ok, did I eat anything”, so many questions; impossible to remember them all then out of nowhere total silence from my airpod. I take out my phone to see what have happen and see it’s the signal again. I prepare myself for the crazy latina on action… My brother calls me saying my mother made his phone sound like Plan B song: “Sino le contesto se desespera…” with texts and phone calls trying to know why the phone call have ended. Knowing my mother, I multiconference my call with her and my brother, to try and calm her down but I couldn't hold it anymore… I burst with laughter because she even has look for my location in less than two seconds with this, my day just got better… Let’s see how it goes…

    - Kendra Santana 2/23/2022

  13. Since childhood Carlos have always dreamed of being an actor even though his life was full of obstacles. First, his family didn’t believe that he would achieve such an unrealistic dream. Secondly, he lived in a place where opportunities are scarce. Finally, he didn’t have enough money to support himself for a long time if he moved from home. For those reasons, he came up a plan in which he could prove to his family that he could achieve his dream.
    He applied to one of the most prestigious universities in his country, where he was accepted. Then in the summer before college he would work tirelessly to save money. During the week he would work as an extra in a factory. The plan seemed convincing, he just didn’t count on the fact that he wouldn’t have time to spend with his friends. In addition, the work in the factory was too hard for him, he couldn’t imagine spending another minute there. The only thing that kept him hopeful was that in just two months he could begin to fulfill his dream. Although he didn’t foresee what would happen before that day would come.

    *I rewrote the first paragraph*

    Luis J. Merced Cotto 02/23/2022

  14. He was young. Clearly someone who didn’t really know what they were doing.
    “Excuse me, could I take your order?” The waitress asked nervously as she fumbled around her pen and notepad.
    “Just give us a few moments while we decide.” I said as the waitress nodded and promptly left.
    I then looked at the young man in front of me. One of the advocates for the latest movement that is leaving countless businesses without employees. Now, all I have to do is write his story.

  15. To understand why I can’t afford to delay my graduation, we must go back to my childhood. Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I was told by friends, family, and strangers that I would never be the top in anything. Whenever I spoke or dreamt about being extremely successful in anything, everyone would say something along the lines of “That’s just for very lucky people” or “Just keep dreaming”.

    Right now, I’m about to graduate college after only three years and have been accepted in a prestigious graduate program accompanied by a job offer. Both of these accomplishments are conditional to me graduating college this upcoming May. That’s precisely why I’m feeling anxious and desperate about not knowing how to complete my assignment.

    Simon Hidalgo

  16. My feet are really killing me; I don’t wear sneakers to college. Last week I told my parents that I was going to buy a bike or something because I can’t take the risk of keep getting late to my classes. They laughed at me, as if I was crazy or exaggerating, and I’m not. Students will tell the same thing. Their classrooms are too far one to another; the time between a class and the other its too little to get there on time, however, people still thinks that I’m kidding. Thank God some professors understand the big problem we have. It is not easy to walk 10 to 15 minutes to get to your classroom… like last week.

    - Karla L. Colón

  17. After the first day was done, the other day came by and had the same nervous and anxious feeling of getting back to face-to-face classes. That day I had other classes, so I met more people. Something I noticed was that many people are also on the same path as me, in terms of feeling anxious and feeling like inside the box. Although the other issue more problematic than getting parking, is choosing what to have lunch. The mystery of the day was choosing what to eat among 5 people with only one hour of free time. I feel like the worst part of being in person at the University is looking for something to eat, there are so many places nearby and so many options that it is difficult to choose in such a short time. That is the other constant battle of the days at the campus.
