Friday, February 25, 2022

Torres response (due Wednesday, March 2, by midnight)

                                                                    Justin Torres        

Read: Justin Torres, “Lessons” (


a) What do you think are the most effective/impactful two lines in the story? Quote them using signal phrases. 

b) Explain in detail why you found these lines to be so effective.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Extra credit: New vocabulary (due by Monday, February 28, at 10 am)


                              The Oxford English Dictionary

Post your new word, plus the definition, below. 

Include where you found this word, as well as any other notes or explanations you think are relevant.

If you have trouble posting, feel free to email me your contribution and I will post it for you.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Writing response due Wednesday, February 23, by midnight


Write the second paragraph of the story you began during Week 5.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Writing response, Amina Gautier (due Wednesday, February 16, by midnight)


Amina Gautier 

1. What do you see as the main conflict in this story? What lines in the story illustrate this conflict most clearly, in your view? Don’t forget to use a signal phrase and a page number in your answer. 


2.  Gautier evokes a very specific time and place in this story. 


a) If you were going to write a story that captured the essence of your own time and place—the here and now—what would be the main event or conflict in it? 


b) What objects would you use to identify/characterize this time and place?


3.  Write the first paragraph of your own story.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Writing response, Rebecca Roanhorse (due Wednesday, February 9, by midnight)

                                                                      Rebecca Roanhorse

Read: Rebecca Roanhorse, “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience” (https://www 

Writing response: Imagine Octavia Butler and Rebecca Roanhorse having lunch together. 

a) What subjects do you think they would talk about?

b) What would they be able to teach each other? 

c) On what subjects would they disagree?

Explain your responses clearly and in detail.