Monday, November 8, 2021

Final essay (4-5 pages)

 - We will have an optional class about this information on Wednesday, November 18 during class time. Given the agreement of students present, as required, I will record the class for anyone who is not present.

- The documents below are also available on Moodle. 

You will turn these projects in via Moodle. 

There is no hard deadline yet but you are welcome to begin work at any time.

INGL 3103

Fall 2021

Dr. Jessica Adams


Prewriting for Final 4–5-page Essay


A) Decide on the piece of writing you have done this semester that you want to expand. In other words, which essay or topic that you have written about do you want to do more with? 


State your topic here:


B) Think about your work and develop an initial argument, or thesis statement. You will do this by following the guidelines we discussed in class, which are summarized here:


Remember: An argument is a statement or claim that you make about a text. We could also consider it as your main conclusion once you have considered a text in depth. It is not an obvious statement that no one would disagree with. It is, instead, a statement that some people might DISAGREE with. It can even be CONTROVERSIAL. 


I say that this is your intial thesis because as you write, your argument may evolve. Often, people end up writing the arguments that fit best with their actual thinking about a text when they force themselves to sum up their conclusions at the end of their essays. [When writing in English, you are expected to state your argument at the beginning of your essay.] Be aware of this and if you write a good argument in your conclusion, put it in your introduction instead and then make sure that the body of your essay supports it. 


Write your initial thesis statement here:


C) Gather 4–6 pieces of evidence that support your argument. By “evidence,” I mean direct quotes (taken directly from the essay). As relevant, “evidence” also means specific events that occurred, specific details that you noticed, and/or specific interactions that you had.  


– If you are writing about one of the essays we read, you will gather 4 quotes from the essay that support your argument. 


– If you are writing about an experience (related to evaluating i) your experience practicing radical honesty; ii)how gender is expressed in your enviornment; or iii) your experience asking 5 of Dr. Aron’s questions that are said to “lead to love”), you will gather evidence from one of the essays related to these issues, as well as your personal experience doing these exercises. 


List the pieces evidence you plan to use to support your argument here:














Now that you have taken these steps, you are ready to start writing your essay. Please see the checklist on Moodle that you will complete and hand in with your draft. 

INGL 3103

Fall 2021

Dr. Jessica Adams


Checklist for 4–5-page Essay


Add an X in the right-hand column after you complete each element of the essay



Introduction to your subject matter + thesis statement (your argument)





Paragraph 1: Evidence 1 + analysis of evidence (show how the evidence supports your argument)




Paragraph 2:  Evidence 2 + analysis of evidence (show how the evidence supports your argument)




Paragraph 3:  Evidence 3 + analysis of evidence (show how the evidence supports your argument)




Paragraph 4:  Evidence 4 + analysis of evidence (show how the evidence supports your argument)



(not 3 ½ pages)


Conclusion: Avoid repeating what you already said. Instead, think about where your idea has led you. If you were to write an essay that was a sequel to this one, in which you continued to develop your idea, what might it be about? Briefly gesture toward that in your conclusion.





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