Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Kindly introduce yourself by posting a favorite quote, a book or song that you like right now, and a video (it doesn't have to be of you) to the "Comments" section at the bottom of this post.

Include one-paragraph explanation of your choices.



  1. Hello, my name is Alondra Acevedo Ortiz.
    This are the things i have chosen to share in this post:
    "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." - John 15:12
    Sports Car by Valley

    The quote that I chose has always been very ingrained in my mind. As part of my christian faith, I always try to imitate the way Jesus acted towards others. In this Bible verse, he calls his followers to imitate the way he loves people, and I have always made this a priority. As to the song that I chose, Sports Car is a song that makes me very hopeful for the future but at the same time kind of nostalgic. The song talks about growing up and moving away. Even though it can be a sad song that talks about the feeling of missing someone, the musicality of it give me more of a feeling of peace and happiness. Lastly, I didn't really know what kind of video I wanted to share, so I ended up using the music video to Sports Car. I think it is a great addition to the music and gives the viewer an idea of what the artists really wanted us to feel.

  2. Hello my name is Dariel Ruiz Nuñez,
    this is going to be the quote I'll be using,"There's no such thing as a useless player - Daiki Aomine"
    And this is the video link for "I am here" -

    So my name is Dariel Ruiz and the reason why I chose this quote is very inspiring because there's always someone who says that you suck or that your useless, but in reality their problem is that they are afraid of your potential. This quote is originally from a basketball anime, but I feel that I can use it on anything. Now the reason for why I chose this music video is that it talks about a hero being there for you, don't be afraid, even in the darkest times, he will be there for you. I find this very inspiring because it he is talking to a young boy who's practically weak and needs help.

  3. Hello my name is Luis Defilló Rivera, and my quote comes from the Bible, “Matthew19:26”; my video quote comes from the Eminem song, “Till I collapse”.

    My quote goes like this: “With God all things are possible.” -Matthew 19:26. The main reason why I chose this quote is because it comes from the Bible and the message cannot be more certain. The message is clear and simple, but is a message that is full of faith as well. The message transmits positivism, and it helps you achieve everything in life. Now, the reason why I chose the video is because it talks about keep facing life and progressing, no matter how hard it hits you. The video comes from the Eminem movie, and it shows how difficult life can be, but as the video goes on, Eminem is facing his issues and continuing with his life now matter how hard life is hitting him. Finally, the message is great because it helps you to keep going, and to not be bothered by problems when it is not going well.

  4. Hi! My name is Alexandra N. Soto. In this post I’m going to be sharing with you guys my choices.
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire by J.K. Rowling
    *( use headphones to really appreciate it )
    “ I feel that there is nothing truly more artistic than to love people” by Vincent Van Gogh

    I am a person that likes to feel comfortable and let my imagination flow; so, one of the main reasons why I choose this book is because I’m currently reading it again and its actually my favorite one from the saga. Im a big Harry Potter fan and this book specially go in so much detail that you kind of feel like you’re in it, I get so excited and if you let your imagination flow, you’ll have an amazing experience. The video that I choose it also makes me feel good, relax and peacefully. For choosing this music video I just went in my Spotify and choose my painting playlist and it was the first one to pop up, but it turns out its actually one of my favorites songs. Im also a big fan of art and paintings. My favorite painter and inspiration for many of my work and personal growing its also the author of my favorite quote. This men’s life story is so traumatic, melancholic and shocking, that it has inspired me so much to know that despite all the bad things that happened to him in his life, he was always looking for a way to find love and happiness and “the yellow to his word”.

  5. Hi, my name is Pennélope Alers! One of my favorite quotes is said by famous climate change activist Greta Thunberg: "We showed that we are united and that we, young people, are unstoppable." I am a firm believer that the future of our nation is in our hands, and we will do everything in our power to do so. Therefore, we have a huge responsibility: to take action and make it a better place to live in both for ourselves and our community. I identify with this quote because I consider myself a resilient, responsible, and caring woman. Therefore, my priorities include taking a stance, questioning and trying to fix the past generations’ mistakes. I believe my determination, optimism, versatileness, and leadership qualities can help when joining forces with the rest of these fighting generations and work in harmony to help the nation escape from the suffrage we are in. The video I choose, which is a poem titled “Somewhere In America” performed by Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen (, also represents my thoughts regarding our fights and controversies that must be fixed with justice, empathy, mindfulness, and inclusiveness. I try to embody these traits in my everyday life and all its aspects (socially and individually). I hope that as I grow personally, academically, and professionally, these qualities can keep on evolving and perfecting myself as a human being.

  6. Greetings!
    My name is Angelys M. Rivera Hernández, a.k.a. "Ange". I want to introduce myself by sharing with you guys my favorite song right now. It's called "Antes que se Acabe"from Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, a.k.a. Bad Bunny. Here's a link to the lyric music video on You Tube:

    Usually when someone asks me what my favorite song is, I can never pick just one because my music taste is so varied and I love them all. However, since this song first came out, there has not been a day that goes by that I don't listen to it. It has such a beautiful lyric, meaning and rhythm. Listening to it makes me feel peaceful and boosts my energy. Up above I included the link to the lyric music video so you can analyze the song closely and understand what I'm saying. Bad Bunny tells us that there will always be gloomy days because it is part of life, but that we have the power to step out and make our days better, make them good days and enjoy the little pleasures of life. My favorite part, which gives me goosebumps, is the part where he finishes saying "And rainy days are sometimes the most beautiful", the music stops and then he shouts "But today the Sun came out and I feel better". I shout that part with him, it's impossible not to!
    Anyway, I highly recommend that song. I hope you guys end up liking it as much as I do, and above all, that you understand the message and we can all apply it to our lives.

  7. Hello!
    My name is Adrian Jimenez Vazquez.
    For a while now, my favorite quote has been: "Whatever happens, happens." - Spike Spiegel. This is from the anime show Cowboy Bebop.
    My favorite book is A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.
    And the video I'll be sharing is this one:

    There's a bunch of lines I always like to tell myself whenever I'm struggling with anything, and among the ones I say the most is "Whatever happens, happens." It's a mentality that's rooted in the idea that if something happens that's outside of your control then there's not much you can do but accept it. It's helped me come to terms with things and aspects of my life and I've always loved it.
    In terms of the video, I'm a massive fan of battle anime, they make me feel powerful. And of all the scenes that give me power, this is one of the ones I think about often. Every time I'm nervous or feel like I can't do something, I always reenact this scene and instantly feel my confidence going up.

  8. Hey, my name is Adriel S De Jesus and this is the quote I chose “Success is when you find joy in progress”. That quote showed me the real meaning of success. Success doesn’t mean making millions of dollars or being rich, success is when you actually find something you love. I used to think that I wasn’t being successful because I wasn’t making money in the sport I play but I learned that it was already a success because I found joy in the progress of being a better player. Don’t ever think you’re not being successful because of irrelevant things, if you love what you’re doing then you are already being successful. Life is too short to be thinking too much, live in the moment and do what you love. That is success.

  9. Hi!
    My name is Fabielis Y. Rosado Rodríquez.
    Well, one of my favorite quote is: “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, every moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away” by Frida Kahlo. These days I've been listening to a lot of 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton. Here’s the link to the video:

    A long time ago I started to see life from a more immediate and faster point of view. And I begin to identify my opinion with phrases like this one. Personally Frida Kahlo had a very original understanding of life. And that why this and many other of her phrases touch the deepest part of my heart. Because life is a breath, it is a moment that passes and is over long before it begins. I like to listen to the song and at the same time watch the video, because like many others songs it shows a very common reality. I really like this song because it was the beginning of a change in the minds of working women. It made them realize that they deserved better working conditions and with a lot of courage there united and began to demand their rights.


  10. Hello, I hope everyone is well :)

    My name is Amanda Quiñones and here are some fun facts about me:

    - Quote: “As simple as it is, do your best”

    - Song: Ventino – “Apaga y Vámonos”

    - Book: “Never, Never” by Collen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher (I love the suspense and romance)

    The reason why I chose what I mentioned is because they transport me from time and place, therefore, they have a very special place in my heart. For example, in the ups and downs of my life my mom always tells me that phrase. Even if it doesn't make sense in the moment, there is always a way to apply it and make it have sense. On the other hand, there is Ventino's song: “Apaga y Vámonos”. Despite not being a big fan of the band or the song, it is my favorite. Somehow it transports me to 9th grade sitting with my friends in the schoolyard and feeling the excitement of finally being one of the “old” kids in school. Finally, there is the book "Never, Never". Although it does not necessarily transport me to a specific place, each time I read it I feel the same suspense and intrigue as the first time I read it.

  11. Hello, my name is Jekxelmaniel Martinez Lugo! I am a guy that loves to spend most of his time listening to music. The quote that I chose is from Winston Churchill and it says “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”. The book that I like the most is Prince Caspian from the Narnia chronicles by C.S. Lewis. One of the songs that I most enjoy is Helena by My Chemical Romance. This is a video to another song I like from the singer Joji called Test Drive ( ).

    The reason that I chose this quote is because it shows me that no matter how many times I fail, I should never stop believing in myself. I am not a person that likes to read and the only reason that I like Prince Caspian is because of school. When I was in high school, I was forced to read a different Narnia book every year and after all those years Prince Caspian was the only one that I managed to finish because I found it to be a really good book. To finish this explanatory paragraph, I will talk about one of my favorite songs, Helena. I actually like rock music so that is the main reason I like this song but it is not only because it is rock but also because of the lyrics, vocals and instruments that are used in it.

  12. Hello, my name is Genesis. The book I’m choosing to share is Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. I like this book because it touches various topics like art, literature, poetry, religion & spirituality, psychology, etc., related to different areas of women’s lives. I think it’s a great book for anyone to read regardless of if the reader identifies and/or somehow lives as a woman.
    The video I’m sharing is a short film composed of music videos from Lana Del Rey. I like this video because of all the music and the references to mythology, religion, culture, art.

    The video:

  13. Hello to everyone! My name is Alanis Dennise Roque. My favorite quote I could say it is ''Do not love nostalgia more than you love today'’ - David Jones. The reason why this is my favorite quote is because it makes you realize that we focus more in the past and the things we could’ve done different, and we forget to live the present and to enjoy it. A key to applying this quote in our life is by changing the point of view of how we see some situations and how we react to those situations, we literally have the power to decide if it’s worth our energy or time to be upset about that circumstance. I can’t decide what my favorite song is, I have a very diverse music taste, but I’d say that my favorite song is Miles de mujeres by Alvaro Diaz from the beat to the way they perform it, its just chef kiss. Mi favorite video is the music video of No Es Importante by iLe, here’s the link This video makes me feel so many things at once it’s more like an experience, iLe is one of my favorites artists because she’s so authentic and has a beautiful way to describe the things that we can’t express clearly.

  14. Hi everyone! My name is Sabryna González González. My favorite quote comes from Marie Curie, who was a world known chemist who lead the research on what we know today on radioactivity. The quote goes: "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less". Science has always been a fundamental part of my life and I feel like this quote represents a big problem in society; because of lack of understanding society has become fearful to change and a variety of new opportunities. I'm a firm believer that with knowledge and a broad understanding of things we, as a society, can overcome and progress greatly. Marie Curie played an inmense part of of history and change, so that's why I will be sharing the link to a short video on her biography: .

  15. Hi everyone! My name is Luis J. Osorio Ortiz. My favorite quote comes from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a basketball legend. He quoted: "You can`t win unless you learn to lose". One of my favorite songs is "Started from the Bottom" by Drake. I absolutely love the trilogy of "The Hunger Games". Those three books are my favorite since they are very detailed and super interesting. The video I will be sharing with you is related to basketball, since I`m a basketball player. The link is the following:

    My favorite quote is really interesting. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar stated that you can`t win if you don`t learn to lose. If we want to be successful, we need to learn to fail sometimes. When we fail, we learn our mistakes and work on a solution for that mistake. The song I chose pumps me up before basketball games. There`s a couple of times that Drake says curse words, but he still talks about struggle and success. The reason I love the three book of the trilogy of The Hunger Games is that they are written in such way that makes me wonder on how the characters felt when those situations arises and makes my imagination go crazy.

  16. Hello! My name is Sailet Gomera Peguero, but ya'll can call me Sally if you want and it makes it easier for you to pronouns it. I have three favorite quotes right know and I couldn't deside on which one should I post, so I'm going to put them all. The first is from the Bible in Romans 13:10 that says "Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God's law." the second is from Albert Einstein and it says "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" and the last one is form Rhonda Byrne that says " There is always something to be greatful for." The reasons why I like this quotes is because each of them teach me a lesson valuable for life: the love I give others, the kind of effort I put into things and to always be greatful. For me, those are really special values. And the video I'm going to attach (Or the link at least) is a comertial with a song I really like called "One Day" by Matisyahu. The video is basically about people helping others on their daily life as something we don't do very often. <<< That's the link to the video. Have a great night everyone.

  17. Hello all, my name is Javier Díaz. My favorite quote is "Everything happens for a reason" and it is associated with many people but it is mostly associated with famous Philosopher Aristotle. I like this saying because it gives you hope when bad things happen or things aren't going your way and it just works for me sometimes. My favorite song at the moment is "Violent Crimes" by Kanye West, because of the meaning it holds in the lyrics and because of the fact that we are starting college and life has just been changing. One video I really enjoyed and would like to share is
    This video has a interesting concept in life and why people have to treat each other the same way they would like to be treated. I like so much more things but right now I would like to share this. I hope I can meet you all and get to know you guys better in the near future. Thanks for reading!

  18. Hello everyone ! I am Charles Ciuró Matos, but I prefer being called “Charlie” since it’s easier to pronounce although I don’t mind being called Charles. Today I’d like to start by sharing a quote from Filiberto Ojeda Ríos which says: “Quien lucha por su libertad, se la merece”. Which translates to; who fights for their rights, deserves it. It’s very simple but very meaningful, especially to the people from Puerto Rico that lived through that time. To give a little bit of detail Filiberto was a independence activist and militant that lived from 1933 to 2005 and fought for the independence of Puerto Rico to be an independent country. I’d like to also share a quote from the Bible that it stuck with me for a very long time from Psalm 23 ps 23:1 “Jehovah is my shepherd; I will lack nothing”. I love the meanings and ideas the Bible has to offer to whoever reads it and I like this quote very much due to the fact that I believe that we do not lack anything, because with nothing we arrive. I also chose this quote because of my mom and how she taught all the great things that made me who I am today. Last but not least I’d like to share a song called: The Stage by Avenged Sevenfold. It’s a song that explains and talks about the trajectory of the human race through time, and the way we have done. The song focuses on war, religion, revolutions, slaves, Empires, etc. I like the way they portray their ideas of how humans learned through time or should’ve… Here’s the link thank you very much and have a nice day!

  19. Hello my name is Diego Diaz and this is my quote " if yu wnat the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain"
    Book: Dune

    This quote means a lot to me because of its meaning which is ife is a beautiful journey that is meant to be embraced to the fullest every day. However, that doesn’t mean you always wake up ready to seize the day, and sometimes need a reminder that life is a great gift. In other words you need to live life to the fullest even when things get tough and work hard and embrace those bad days so you can accomplish what you want in life.

  20. Hello, my name is David Padilla
    I will be sharing one of my favorite and most recognizable pieces in music, The Nutcracker by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. But I will be sharing the “suite” version since is it has the most recognizable parts.
    I chose this one because of its music and story in which the idea and inspiration came from “The nutcracker and the mouse king”. It is very pleasant to hear this piece since it brings back memories from the Christmas season. Tchaikovsky is one of my favorite romantic era composers, some of his other works that I love is: Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture, Piano Concerto No. 1 in B♭ minor, Op. 23, and the 1812 Overture (especially with the canons included).

  21. Hi! My name is Nathalie Marcano. I am studying special education with an emphasis on intellectual disability. I don't have a favorite quote but I do like the phrase “She believed she could so she did”. I believe that when we trust ourselves we are capable of doing great things. My favorite book is the bible. In this book there are many verses that are my favorites. An example of this is Jeremiah 31: 3. Here is a video about what is intellectual disability because many people are unaware of this condition and another about a song that I really like.

  22. Hello everyone, my name is Kenneth Pérez Camacho (most people just call me Kenny) and
    my favorite quote is that of Doc Oc from the Spiderman movies: “Intelligence is not a gift, it’s a privilege. And you use it for the good of mankind”. I chose it because it motivates me to do better. What it means is that without hardwork and effort, intelligence shall be wasted; which i can attest to due to past experiences. I don’t read many books but I do read manga (japanese comics) and my favorite out of those is “ACT-AGE” just due to the amazing artwork and constant pull of emotions it had on me. It’s safe to say that no other work has come close to getting me invested in a story, especially about acting. One song that I like right now is “Loretta” by Ginger Root, it just makes me instantly happy. Finally, the video I chose is just an edit of “The Green Knight”, a movie that I surprisingly fell in love with, which has the song “Collard Greens” by Schoolboy Q over it. The blend of these two just works surprisingly well together. der_web_id=7000144416984172038&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0

  23. Hello everyone, my name is Kenneth Pérez Camacho (most people just call me Kenny) and
    my favorite quote is that of Doc Oc from the Spiderman movies: “Intelligence is not a gift, it’s a privilege. And you use it for the good of mankind”. I chose it because it motivates me to do better. What it means is that without hardwork and effort, intelligence shall be wasted; which i can attest to due to past experiences. I don’t read many books but I do read manga (japanese comics) and my favorite out of those is “ACT-AGE” just due to the amazing artwork and constant pull of emotions it had on me. It’s safe to say that no other work has come close to getting me invested in a story, especially about acting. One song that I like right now is “Loretta” by Ginger Root, it just makes me instantly happy. Finally, the video I chose is just an edit of “The Green Knight”, a movie that I surprisingly fell in love with, which has the song “Collard Greens” by Schoolboy Q over it. The blend of these two just works surprisingly well together. der_web_id=7000144416984172038&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0
